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​​​Pink IS Power Oncol​ogy Massage Clinic​




For people living with or surviving ALL types of Cancer

October 1– 31, 2024

Key West, Cudjoe Key &

Big Pine Key, FL

Angelic Moon Holistic Day Spa hosts its 15th annual PINK IS POWER event to benefit Cancer survivors.

If you have been recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment or are a Cancer survivor (within the past 10 years) CALL (305)745-9979, for your FREE oncology massage appointment and mention “Pink Is Power”. 

* Massage is also offered to the primary caregiver of the person living with Cancer.

Limited number of appointments available. Call TODAY!

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Oncology Massage Is...


A safe physical, emotional and spiritual space for the person living with cancer to enter into. You are the focus and not your cancer. It is 

safe to think, say, feel, or simply be, during your session. The actual process of performing oncology massage involves modifying

massage techniques to give you a safe, nurturing massage, that effectively relieves the common side-effects of cancer and its treatment. ONCOLOGY MASSAGE helps to relieve pain, nausea, fatigue, insomnia. neuropathy, and  other side-effects associated with cancer, chemotherapy and radiation treatment.


Ask about our "Thrivor" program; a holistic approach to cancer. These complimentary integrative therapies (CIT) including laugh therapy, massage, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, infrared therapy, reiki/crystal therapy, yoga, meditation and sound therapy (along with diet & nutrition) can be combined with your conventional medical treatment, to provide you with the "best of all worlds" to help you effectively battle this disease.


* Requires physician approval if receiving medical treatment. Length of session depends on client's energy level. 

Cost - $135 per session/10 sessions - $1250

** October 1 thru 31 - NO CHARGE. Based on appointment availability.

Survival odds higher for breast cancer patients with access to integrative therapies

by The Reis Group

Please complete form(s) PRIOR to your massage appointment. Primary caregivers only need to complete the "Massage Consent" form.


S4OM - Society for Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage practitioners, education, research and support.

Susan G. Komen

Breast Cancer resources, patient navigation, community health and research.

Unite For HER

Supportive integrative therapies and wellness services for Breast and Ovarian cancer patients.

Block Center

Integrative cancer treatment therapies.

Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys

Provides education and financial support for Local cancer patients.

Research, service (massage therapy) and oncology massage training/education.

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